Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

TULISAN 4 - English Song & It's Translation

Nama             :           Indah Restu Anjani
NPM              :           13211571
Kelas              :           1EA19
Mat-Kul         :           Softskill – Bahasa Inggris

English Song
Lyrics of It’s My Life – Bon Jovi

This ain't a song for the broken-hearted
Ini bukan lagu bagi orang yang patah hati
A silent prayer for faith-departed
Doa diam-diam bagi orang yang hilang keyakinan
I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd
Aku takkan menjadi sekedar bagian dari kumpulan
You're gonna hear my voice
Kau akan mendengar suaraku
When I shout it out loud
Saat aku berteriak dengan suara yang keras

It's my life
Ini hidupku
It's now or never
Sekarang atau tak selamanya
But I ain't gonna live forever
Namun aku takkan hidup selamanya
I just wanna live while I'm alive (It's my life)
Aku hanya ingin hidup saat aku masih hidup (ini hidupku)
My heart is like an open highway
Hatiku seperti jalan yang terbuka
Like Frankie said "I did it my way"
Seperti kata Frankie "Kulakukan dengan caraku"
I just wanna live while I'm alive
Aku hanya ingin hidup saat aku masih hidup
It's my life
Ini hidupku

This is for ones who stood their ground
Ini untuk mereka yang selalu berusaha
For Tommy and Gina who never backed down
Untuk Tommy dan Gina yang tak pernah menyerah
Tomorrow's getting harder make no mistake
Esok akan lebih berat,  jangan lakukan kesalahan
Luck ain't even lucky
Nasib baik bukanlah keberuntungan
You've got to make your owns breaks
Kau harus menentukan nasibmu sendiri

Better stand tall when they're calling you out
Lebih baik tegakkan kepala saat mereka memanggilmu
Don't bend don't break, baby don't back down
Jangan menunduk,  jangan pasrah,  jangan menyerah

# CHORUS (2x)
'Cause it's my life!
Karena ini hidupku

Rabu, 20 Juni 2012


Nama            :            Indah Restu Anjani
NPM              :           13211571
Kelas              :           1EA19
Mat-Kul        :           Softskill – Bahasa Inggris

Adjective Clause


  1. The book which I bought it at the bookstore was very expensive.
  2. The Woman was nice that I met yesterday.
  3. The People which live next to me are friendly.
  4. I met a Woman who her husband is a famous lawyer.
  5. Do you know the people who lives in that house ?
  6. The Professor teaches chemistry 101 is very good.
  7. I wrote a thank you note to the people who I visited their house on thanksgiving day.
  8. The people who I met them at the party last night were interesting.
  9. I enjoyed the music which we listened to it.
  10. The Man was very angry whose bicycle was stolen.


  1. The book which I bought at the book store was very expensive.
  2. The Woman whom I met yesterday was nice.
  3. The People who lived next to me were friendly.
  4. I met a woman whose her husband was a famous lawyer.
  5. Did you know the people who live in that house ?
  6. The Professor who taught chemistry 101 was very good.
  7. I wrote a thank you note to the people whose house visited by me on thanksgiving day.
  8. The People whom I met them at the party last night were interesting.
  9. I enjoyed the music which listened by us.
  10. The man whose bicycle had stolen was very angry.