Nama : Indah Restu Anjani
NPM : 13211571
Kelas : 1EA19
Mat-Kul : Softskill – Bahasa Inggris
Quoted Speech and Reported Speech
Anda dan teman Anda, Milly, makan malam di restoran pada Sabtu malam. Milly
memberitahu Anda semua tentang pacarnya yang bernama Jasson. Dia memberitahu
Anda apa yang Jasson katakan kepadanya pada hari Jumat. Dia bisa mengatakan itu dalam dua cara.
Cara pertama disebut "Quoted Speech." Quoted Speech itu PERSIS apa yang dikatakan oleh orang tersebut. Berikut ini sebuah contoh:
Jasson said, “I need to take a
kalimat di atas, Jasson mengatakan sama PERSIS seperti kata-kata tersebut.
Cara lain
untuk mengulangi apa yang dikatakan seseorang disebut "Reported Speech."
Reported Speech TIDAK PERSIS apa yang orang itu katakan.
Hal ini seperti ringkasan atau parafrase dari apa yang pembicara itu katakan.
Perhatikan contoh berikut:
Jasson said that he needed to
take a taxi.
TIDAK PERSIS apa yang dikatakan oleh Jasson.
ini adalah contoh lain:
Speech (EXACT)
Reported Speech (NOT EXACT)
Jasson said, "I love eating chocolate ice cream
after dinner."
Jasson said that he loved eating chocolate ice cream after dinner.
SPEECH & REPORTED SPEECH berbeda ? Ada 5 hal yang berbeda:
QUOTED SPEECH memiliki tanda kutip, sedangkan REPORTED
SPEECH tidak menggunakan tanda kutip.
REPORTED SPEECH , kata ganti sering berubah. Misalnya, dalam kalimat di atas
dengan QUOTED SPEECH kata ganti “I” yang
digunakan, sedangkan kalimat dengan REPORTED SPEECH
menggunakan kata ganti “He”.
REPORTED SPEECH, kata yang sering digunakan setelah diucapkan, tapi itu adalah
SPEECH adalah apa yang memang orang itu katakan.
kerja dalam REPORTED SPEECH diubah ke masa lalu, beberapa verba modal tidak
berubah. Ada aturan untuk mengikuti ketika mengubah kata kerja. Silahkan lihat
tabel di bawah ini :
Quoted Speech
Speech (NOT EXACT)
Michele said, "I cook rice
every day."
Michele said that she cooked rice
every day.
Michele said,
"I am cooking rice."
Michele said that she was
cooking rice.
Michele said, "I cooked
Michele said that she had
cooked rice.
Note: The past tenses all use had + past participle.
Michele said, "I have
cooked rice."
Michele said that she had
cooked rice.
Michele said, "I had
cooked rice."
Michele said that she had
cooked rice.
Michele said, "I will
cook rice."
Michele said that she would
cook rice.
Michele said, "I am
going to cook rice."
Michele said that she was
going to cook rice.
Michele said, "I can
Michele said that she could cook rice.
Michele said, "I may
cook rice."
Michele said that she might
cook rice.
Michele said, "I must
cook rice."
Michele said that she had
to cook rice.
Michele said, "I have
to cook rice."
Michele said that she had
to cook rice.
Michele said, "I should
cook rice."
Michele said that she should
cook rice.
Note: These modals do not change when used in reported speech.
Michele said, "I ought
to cook rice."
Michele said that she ought
to cook rice.
Michele said, "I might
cook rice."
Michele said that she might
cook rice.
Michele says,
"I cook rice every day."
Michele says that
she cooks rice every day."
Note: When you use the words say, has said, orwill
say (not said), the verb tense remains the same for both
the quoted speech and reported speech.
Michele has
said, "I cook rice every day."
Michele has
said that she cooks rice every day."
Michele will
say, "I cook rice every day."
Michele will
say that she cooks rice every day."
Michele said,
"Cook rice."
Michele told me to
cook rice.
Note: For commands, use the word told instead of said,
and use an infinitivefor the main verb.
kalau seperti ini bagaimana jawab nya ?
BalasHapus1. jim said "im sleepy"
2. sally said "i dont like chocolate"
3. marry said "i'm planning to make a atrip"
4. tom said "i have already eaten lunch"
5. mr. rice said " i'm going to go to chicago"