Sabtu, 20 Juni 2015


NAME           :           INDAH RESTU ANJANI
NPM              :           13211571
CLASS           :           4EA17
Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 #


Connectors digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua kalimat atau lebih menjadi satu kalimat. Connectors dibagi menjadi 3, yaitu :
1.     Menunjukkan Waktu
2.     Menunjukkan Sebab dan Akibat
3.     Menunjukkan Tanda Urutan

Contoh Kalimat  :
1.     Menunjukkan Waktu (before , after , as soon as , while , when).
a.      We went to the Mall after the rain stopped.
b.     I prepare my ticket before I go on holiday to Surabaya.
c.      I strarted to look for a hotel as soon as I arrived in this city.
d.     While she was reading his novel, somebody knocked on the door.
e.      I was really happy when I saw a comedy drama movie.

2.     Menunjukkan Sebab dan Akibat (because / because of , since).
a.      Adhila went to the hospital because she had a serious accident.
b.     Malik went to the hospital because of Adhila had a serious accident.
c.      Since he have no money, he can’t treat you.

3.     Menunjukkan Tanda Urutan (first , next , then , after that , finally).
a.      First, you must prepare the ingredients.
b.     Next, you cut the vegetables into small pieces.
c.      Finally, you put some sauce and salt.

Relative clause merupakan klausa dependen yang berfungsi untuk menerangkan kata benda, sehingga didapat informasi yang jelas mengenai benda tersebut.
Untuk menghubungkan antar klausa digunakan kata penghubung seperti : that , which , who , whom , and whose.

Contoh Kalimat  :
a.      The man who wears the black tuxedo is my uncle.
b.     This is the bicycle that my mother bought me yesterday.
c.      The woman whom we met is my mother’s friend.
d.     The family whose house is in front of the our house is our relatives.
e.      These are the cookies which my mother give us.

III.                        PENGERTIAN ADJECTIVE & ADVERB
Adjective (kata sifat) memberikan informasi tentang kata benda, seperti : ukuran, bentuk, warna, kebangsaan dan opini.
Adjective juga bisa ditempatkan sebelum kata benda dan tidak mengalami perubahan yang tergantung pada jumlah.

Sedangkan adverb (kata keterangan) merubah kata kerja, yakni kata keterangan menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan.
Adverb sering dibentuk dengan menambahkan -ly dibelakang adjective.

Contoh Kalimat  :
a.      Bella is an excellent ballerina.
b.     I’ve got a new house.
c.      This is a beautiful bird.
d.     Milla has a cute puppy.
e.      I’m really happy today.
f.       She’s got a new job so she feels great.
g.      Ana look wonderful !
h.     This food tasted delicious.
a.      He learns quickly.
b.     You can speak English well.
c.      He didn’t do badly in his test.
d.     She teaches simply and clearly.
e.      Gabriel runs fast.
f.       Milo studies hard.
g.      Sofia plays the piano well.
h.     You’re absolutely right.

Reference  :

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